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Origin of the Morris

Molly Dancing

Recently, somewhere in the darkest bowels of the Library of Congress (henceforth to be referred to as Not-the-National-Library, or N the NL), a hitherto unknown cache of Cecil "Don't Call me See-sil" Sharp papers turned up.

Included are His handscribbled notes from 26 Dec. 1899, on the back of a sheet of paper

(on the front: "List of things to do, 1910:

  • 1. bash Mary Neal;
  • 2. found EFDS;
  • 3. more starch in shirts").

Among the notes, it says,

"Kimber says he travelled to Argentina as a young man. There he saw the tango and bossa nova, which he secretly noted down and smuggled back to H. Quarry, he says. But I feel that the sight of heavily mustachioed quarry men embracing and twirling on village High Street is not acceptable to our Way of Life. NB: invent some competing form of dance this PM. Come up with a stupid name. Teach it to university students who lack any gainful occupations. Remind the laundress: more starch!"

These papers shed new light on the relationship between Latin Ballroom and Ancient Rituals. No doubt any reps of the N the NL will confirm this astonishing find, which is just about as authentic as could be wished.

--Posted to the Morris Dancing Discussion List by Steve Corrsin

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Last updated: 02/08/09 by Red Herring Morris
Date of access (today's date): 04/25/24

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