**Style:** Duns Tew (Cotswold) **Tune:** //Fireworks//, by Jeff Bigler **Type:** set/33" (long) sticks with tosses **Dancers:** 6 **Stepping:** Duns Tew double-step, hockle-back, foot-together-jump **Source:** Jeff Bigler (1994) / Middlesex Morris (originally Fieldtown) **Chorus:** 4 plain capers into a circle. Toss/clash sequence: {{dances:duns-tew:fireworks-sticking.png}} \\ then foot-together-jump. "Explode" and return (3 double steps), all-in clash, galley, FTJ. **Sequence:** once to yourself, foot up, chorus, face-to-face, chorus, top-to-bottom, chorus, bottom-to-top, chorus, rounds & all-in