====== Lass of Richmond Hill ====== {{page>lass-of-richmond-hill-description}} X:1 T:Lass of Richmond Hill C:James Hood M:4/4 L:1/4 P:A.(ABC).(ABD)3.A Q:144 S:John Clare,Poet,Helpston. (1793-1864) R:Air O:lyrics by Leonard McNally A:Northamptonshire N: Z:vmp.P. Headford K:G V:1 clef=treble %%MIDI channel 1 %%MIDI control 7 100 % volume = 100 %%MIDI program 41 % General MIDI violin %%MIDI transpose 0 %%MIDI gchordoff P:A D |: D G G B | A/G/F/G/ Ac |1 B/A/ G G B | A/G/F/E/ D D :|2\ B/A/ G A/G/ F | G2 G || P:B G \ %%setbarnb 5 | FEDG | FEDG | F/G/A/B/ cB | B2 AG | FEDG | FD d2 | B/A/ G A/G/ F | G2 GD | DGGB | B3 G | FAAc | c3 || P:C c \ %%setbarnb 17 | BAGF | GEDC | B,/D/ GGF | G2 G || P:D c \ %%setbarnb 20 | B2 A2 | G2 F2 | G2 E2 | D2 C2 | B,/D/ GGF | G2 G |]