===== The Barley Mow ===== %%stretchlast X:1 T:The Barley Mow M:6/8 L:1/8 K:G major G2 G GGG | G3 D2 D | EEE F2 F | G3-G3 |\ w:Here's good luck to the | ... ..., good | luck to the bar-ley | mow. | BBB BBB | d3 B2 B | BAA A2 B | A3 d2 c |\ w:jol-ly good luck to the | ... ..., good | luck to the bar-ley | mow. Here's good BBB BBB "vamp"|: BBB BBB :| BBB GFE | D3 G2 A |\ w:luck to the ... ... ... | ... ... ... ... ... ... | ... ... ... and the brown | bowl. Here's good B3 d3 | BBB A2 A | G3 D3 | E3 F3 |] w:luck, good | luck to the bar-ley | mow! Nah | nah nah Here's good luck to the pint-pot, good luck to the Barley Mow Jolly good luck to the pint-pot, good luck to the Barley Mow Here's the pint-pot, half-a-pint, gill-pot, half-a-gill quarter-gill, nipperkin, and a brown bowl Here's good luck, good luck to the Barley Mow Here's good luck to the quart-pot, good luck to the Barley Mow Jolly good luck to the quart pot, good luck to the Barley Mow Here's the quart-pot, pint-pot, half-a-pint, gill-pot, half-a-gill quarter-gill, nipperkin, and a brown bowl Here's good luck, good luck to the Barley Mow Here's good luck to the half-gallon... Here's good luck to the gallon... Here's good luck to the half-barrel... Here's good luck to the barrel... Here's good luck to the landlord... Here's good luck to the landlady... Here's good luck to the daughter... Here's good luck to the brewer... Here's good luck to the drayer... Here's good luck to the slavie... Here's good luck to the company...