Bilbo the Hobbit Baggins

Tune: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

You know Samwise and Frodo, who called himself Underhill
Merry and Pippin and also Tom Bombadil
But do you recall the most famous hobbit of all…

Bilbo, the hobbit, Baggins
Had a magic ring of gold
And if you ever wore it
You'd disappear, or so I'm told

All of the other hobbits
Were content to sit around the Shire
They looked upon poor Bilbo
With malcontent, disgust and ire

On his eleventy-first birthday
Gandalf sagely spoke:
“Bilbo, give that ring away,
Frodo's a likely bloke.”

Then he went off to Rivendell
For he had some elves to see
And he wrote down his memories
Ensured his place in history