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Tune: George Green's College Hornpipe, by George Green
Set: 4 dancers; 21“ (short) or 28 ¼” (medium) sticks; skipping (single steps)
Source: Red Stags / Andy Anderson
Chorus: clash GL-GR-P<sup>F<sup>P<sup>F<sup>P<sup>F<sup>1) [low], R<sup>B<sup>-L<sup>F<sup>-P<sup>B<sup>P<sup>B<sup>P<sup>B<sup> [high], repeat
Figures: cross & swing, J-loops, mini-brook, dragon's bane, rounds (with sounds) & off

G = ground; P = partner; L = left; R = right; F = forehand; B = backhand
dances/border/mr-dolly-description.1688678059.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/06 15:14 by Jeff Bigler