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Mr. Dolly

Tune: George Green's College Hornpipe, by George Green
Set: 4 dancers; 21“ (short) or 28 ¼” (medium) sticks; skipping (single steps)
Source: Red Stags / Andy Anderson
Chorus: clash G-G-PPP1) [low], R-L-PPP [high], repeat
Figures: cross & swing, J-loops, mini-brook, dragon's bane, rounds (with sounds) & off

Detailed Description


This dance can be done with one stick or two sticks in parallel.

bar 1: tap the ground to the left of your partner (GL), then the ground to the right of your partner (GR).
bar 2: clash forehand 3x with your partner (PF-PF-PF). (Red Herring clashes low; most sides in the Eastern US and Canada clash high)
bar 3: clash backhand with the person diagonally to your right (RB), then forehand with the person diagonally to your left (LF)
bar 4: clash backhand 3x with your partner (PB-PB-PB).



Cross and Swing

Dancers cross the set (passing by the “stick” (right) shoulder) and continue well past their partner on beats 1-4.
On beats 5-6, the dancers turn over their “stick” (right) shoulder and switch the stick to the left hand.
On beats 7-8, the dancers charge in toward their partner, right arm extended, catching the partner by the waist (from the front).
On beats 9-14, the dancers go around their partners, continuing to hold their partner by the waist.
On beats 15-16, the dancers break apart and end up in their original positions.


Beat 1 (right foot): dancers step in place
Beat 2 (left foot): dancers surge forward to just past their partner
Beat 3 (right): dancers slide to the right, passing behind their partner
Beat 4 (left): dancers move slightly backward into a single straight line
Beat 5 (right): dancers move backward, with the right foot crossing behind the left so that the motion is diagonally back toward their original place.
Beats 6-8: dancers pass by the right shoulder to their partner's place, then turn around over the stick (right) shoulder to face their partner.

The figure repeats on beats 9-16, with the dancers ending up back in their original positions.


T:George Green's College Hornpipe
T:(Mr. Dolly)
C:George Green
%%partsfont Times-Bold 16.0
%%MIDI channel 1
%%MIDI control 7 100	% volume = 100
%%MIDI program 41       % General MIDI violin
%%MIDI transpose 0
%%MIDI gchordoff
|: (3(DEF) |\
%%setbarnb 1
G>BA>G F2 (3(DEF) | G>BA>G F2d2 | c>BA>G F>DE>F |1\
A>GF>E D2 :|2 G2B2 G2 ||
G>A |\
%%setbarnb 6
B2d2 B2d2 | e>dc>B c4 | c>BA>G F>DE>F | A>GF>E D2 (3(DEF) |
G>BA>G F2 (3(DEF) | G>BA>G F2d2 | c>BA>G F>DE>F | G2 B2 G4 |]
G = ground; P = partner; L = left; R = right
dances/border/mr-dolly.1688677530.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/06 15:05 by Jeff Bigler