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Style: Sherborne (Cotswold)
Tune: The Cuckoo's Nest
Type: set/hankies
Dancers: 6 (can be modified for 4)
Stepping: Sherborne double-step, foot-together-jump, shuffle-back, foot-together-jump
Source: Tim Radford
Chorus: Face down. 4 plain capers by bottoms, then middles. Tops: 2 double steps. All galley out. Face up & repeat.
Sequence: once to yourself, foot up (moving), chorus, set, chorus, back-to-back, chorus, face-to-face, chorus, small rounds, whole hey, large rounds

dances/sherborne/cuckoos-nest-description.txt · Last modified: 2008/02/21 16:03 by Jeff Bigler