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Origin of the Morris

Border Morris

Alas, another case of two nations separated by the same language. "Boarder morris" is, actually, a U.S. style. In one version, it developed in yacht clubs along the Long Island Sound and consisted of people jumping aboard one another's boats and beating the hell out of each other with martini shakers, with the musical accompaniment traditionally provided by the Coast Guard Band.

Another version has the People Who Live Upstairs but eat with you (hence, boarders--you know who you are) jumping around, roller skating, and training elephants while you are trying to get some rest.

No, I'm not kidding. Would I make this up?

--Posted on the Morris Dancing Discussion List by Steve Corrsin

Actually boarder morris is also done in England -- witness Terry Pratchett's repeated references to the morris tune "Mrs. Widgery's Lodger".

--Two cents added by Rich Holmes

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Last updated: 02/08/09 by Red Herring Morris
Date of access (today's date): 04/25/24

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